sound needs silence (with Casey Sokol)

If you create the right pause, the listener falls into it, and you can use their fall to continue the improvisation.


Casey Sokol. musician, educator.


00:13 intro
01:31 successful introvert
06:08 person as collective
19:13 capturing student attention
23:33 silence matters
26:42 motivating students
32:54 TikTok attention span
37:46 lost in rabbit holes
47:27 serendipity with control
55:50 MRI sounds
58:53 being a mentor
62:56 money from music
67:21 engaging your cashier
71:54 fragmentation spreads outward
79:55 limits in the moment
89:23 listening needs something to hear
95:01 stranger shtick
99:50 conclusion

If you enjoyed that, you might like my exchange with Bembo Davies for his clowning, and collaboration through improv; or with Holger Krekel, for his quirky observations on society and digital interactions; or with Jessica Böhme, for her experiments in social transformation and comfort moving between the spiritual and scientific.